In this particular example, we'll dive a bit deeper to show you how this particular application was made so you can make one of your own.
The repository being referred to can be found here on GitHub.
If you have a good experience with open source, visiting the above link should enable you to seamlessly build a similar project.
A good way to understand the code here would be to read the Streamlit (a Snowflake product) blog below which features the open-source application developed by Bobur.
It's a friendly and easy-to-understand blog that also shows how the application interacts with users via an HTTP REST API and works in real-time, offering support for various data types like JSON Lines and Rainforest Product API.
Once you've read the blog above, check out this video tutorial by Bobur Umurzakov where he gives a quick walkthrough of the code and the open-source repository.
This app is modular; you can add new data sources or interfaces.
You could scale it up to include more advanced features like additional data formats or APIs.
Streamlit and Pathway's LLM App communicate over HTTP REST API, but they can also be integrated in other ways, such as file sharing or inter-process communication.
By following this guide, you'll create a versatile application capable of real-time interactions with users, providing them with valuable insights into Amazon discounts.